The 60 Day Memorisation Challenge
Memorise Surah Mulk in 60 Days... really?
Most people think "I can't do this"
Some thoughts you may be having:
- I can't even read Arabic/Qur'an properly...
- I don't have the best memory...
- I'm too old to do this now...
- I don't have enough time...
- My pronunciation will be wrong...
All these negative thoughts are from shaytan (satan) and are preventing you from memorising Surah Mulk, establishing a deeper connection with the Holy Qur'an and becoming closer to Allah.
You CAN do it. All you need to get started is to:
- Be able to recognise and read Arabic letters (no matter how slowly)
- Dedicate 30-45 minutes a day for memorisation
- Make a firm intention to complete this challenge
How this works...
Why 60 days?
Surah Mulk consists of 30 verses (ayat), so if you memorise one verse every 2 days, you'll complete the memorisation of Surah Mulk in 60 days.
What shall I do before I start the challenge?
Before you start the 60-day challenge, it's important you are familiar with how our system works. Please ensure that you have seen the Instructions page, and had a play / tested the system using the Opening Verse. Lastly, please make sure you are in a state of Wudu (state of purity) when memorising Qur'an, as this will bring barakah (blessings) to your task, and help from Allah, In-Sha-Allah.
The memorisation process...
Our tried and tested method makes memorising each verse easy.
Each verse is memorised over 2 days:
- Day 1: the memorisation day
- Day 2: the practice day
Day 1 (memorisation day - learning a new verse):
On our system, each verse is broken down into 'Learning Segments' and 'Practice Stages'.
You will be able to recognise a learning segment because it will have a number before it (e.g. "1", "2", "3" etc.), and you will know that a line is a practice stage because it will have a "P" before it. See the example below:

During the first day (memorisation day), you go through the verse on our system.
Learning Segments: You start with the first learning segment in the verse (e.g. "Tabaarak"). You recite and repeat it until you feel fluent, and then move on to the adjoining learning segment (e.g. "Al-lazee"), which you will also recite and repeat it until you feel fluent.
Practice Stages: Once you are fluent with the first set of learning segments, you can move onto the first practice stage (e.g. "Tabarak al-lazee"). You must recite and repeat the practice stage at-least 100 times (even if you have already memorised it!). Make sure to read the letters each time rather than relying on memory — this active reading will help embed the verse into your long-term memory, meaning you won't forget it. If you have not memorised the practice stage after reciting and repeating it 100 times, continue to recite and repeat until you can recite it without looking at the text.
You should continue this method of reciting and repeating the learning segments (till fluent) and practice stages (in 100 time batches till memorised) until you have completed the whole verse.
It is reccomended that you follow these protocols:
- Try and point at the words (e.g. using your index finger) when you repeat them (use a tablet or iPad if you can).
- Use a counter to help you keep track of how many times you have repeated each practice segment. If you don't have access to a counter, use time (e.g. continue repeating the word for 5 minutes and set a timer on your phone).
- Follow the pace, tune and rhythm of the audio example in this system as best as possible.
- Use the transliteration for help with word-formation initially, but don't use this to memorise and repeat.
- Say "Bismillah" before starting each round of repetition for the practice stages.
- Ponder upon the meaning of the verse as you are repeating the words. Remember that you are committing to your memory the Kalam of Allah (the Word of God).
- If you become fatigued, take a short break.
- Keep a glass of water with you. If your mouth becomes dry, say "Bismillah" and take a sip.
In-Sha-Allah if you follow these instructions, you will easily be able to memorise the verse, and if not, you will have at-least become very familiar with the verse, including it's sound, pronunciation, rhythm and form. Do not be disheartened if you were not able to memorise it after the first round, your memory will get better as you go through the verses — the first verses are always the most difficult.
The last thing to do on memorisation day is to repeat the verse 20 times before going to sleep — and yes, it should be the last thing you do before actually sleeping — so complete your bed-time routine, wish family members goodnight, get into bed, read your duas for sleeping and then repeat the verse you have learnt 20 times before falling asleep. This is an important step because your subconscious mind will continue thinking about the verse through the night, and In-Sha-Allah what better to think about before sleeping than the beautiful verses of the Holy Qur'an.
Day 2 (practice day - repeating everything you know till that point):
Throughout the second day, it is important to continuously reinforce the verse you memorised the previous day by reciting it as often as possible. Begin this practice first thing in the morning. Upon waking up, recite the verse five times. If you find that you don't remember it perfectly from the night before, don't worry — simply glance at the verse to refresh your memory. The key is persistence, not perfection, and consistent repetition will solidify the memorisation process over time.
Throughout the day, take advantage of every opportunity to recite the verse. Whether you are driving, waiting in a queue, or engaging in routine activities, use these moments to recite and reflect on the verse. Integrating memorisation into your daily life ensures that it becomes second nature, allowing the words to gradually embed themselves in your long-term memory. A particularly effective time to recite is after each of the five daily prayers (Salah). Post-prayer moments are spiritually rich and provide a focused, tranquil setting where you can engage deeply with the text. By making it a habit to recite the verse after each Salah, you establish a rhythm that not only supports memorisation but also enhances your spiritual connection with the Qur’an.
Consider coupling the recitation with reflection on the meaning and significance of the verse. This practice of tadabbur (contemplation) will not only aid memorisation but also deepen your understanding of the Qur’an, making the memorisation process more meaningful and spiritually fulfilling. By the end of the day, you will have recited the verse multiple times (and at-least 200 times), allowing the memorisation to take root both cognitively and spiritually. Consistent practice and reflection will, In-Sha-Allah, enable you to retain the verse and prepare you for learning the next one.
And remeber, the next practice day, you should recite and repeat every verse you have memorised till that point, and not only the latest verse by itself!
Final thoughts...
Why is this so hard?
Initially, it may seem like a lot to do and remember, but once you've made it past your first 10 days and completed your first 5 verses, you'll know the routine really well. It will become part of your daily habit, and you won’t need to look at these instructions anymore. The first few days are the hardest — keep at it, don’t give up. In-Sha-Allah, you will succeed.
And remember, with every difficulty, there is reward. Every effort you make in memorising the Quran, no matter how challenging, brings blessings and draws you closer to Allah. Islamic teachings encourage us to persevere in learning the Quran, promising great rewards for those who strive. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “the best of you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it” (Sahih Bukhari). Memorising the Qur'an not only strengthens your connection to Allah but also builds discipline, patience, and consistency — qualities that benefit you in all aspects of life.
Take each day as it comes, and approach memorisation with a positive attitude, sincerity and patience. Even if it feels challenging, know that Allah sees and rewards every effort, and with each verse learned, your heart fills with light and guidance. Make dua (supplication) for ease and understanding, and trust in Allah’s support.